is an up and coming multi-disciplinary illustrator with a focus on comics and zines exploring short stories and written prose with a tendency to romanticise.

stay tuned for zine fair announcements!

featured in: Drama Proof Pigeon Club Volume 2, BOXES Volume 2

upcoming: PrideCAF, Thoughtbubble 2024, TAGS Festival, LDComics Online Comic Fair 2025

previous events: Zinezilla (2022), CMYK (2022, 2023, 2024), Thoughtbubble (2023), Cardiff Zine Fest (2023), Fine Lines Illustration and Animation Festival (2024), Duplicate Publishing Fair (2024), LDN Queermart: Community Day (2024)

education: graduated with First Class Honours in BA Illustration from University of Gloucestershire, 2024

To get in touch please fill out the below contact form!